ITI Electrician Theory 1st year MCQ Question Answer : NCVT Online Exam


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ITI Electrician 1st year MCQ in English 2023

1. What is the current carrying capacity of 32 amp. rated cable, if it is protected by the rewireable fuse?
(a) 13 Amp
(b) 16 Amp
(c) 26 Amp
(d) 39 Amp

2. What is the possible range to measure the size of the wire in a Standard Wire Gauge (SWG)?
(a) 0-44
(b) 0-42
(c) 0-38
(d) 0-36

3. What is the name of the wire joint?
(a) Aerial tap joint
(b) Knotted tap joint
(c) Duplex cross-tap joint
(d) Double cross-tap joint

4. Which type of soldering flux is used for soldering galvanized iron?
(a) Rosin
(b) Zinc chloride
(c) Sal ammonia
(d) Hydrochloric acid

5. Which method of soldering is used for quantity production and for tinning work?
(a) Dip soldering
(b) Soldering with a flame
(c) Soldering with a soldering iron
(d) Soldering with soldering gun |

6. What is the name of the part marked as X in the underground (UG) cable?
(a) Bedding
(b) Armouring
(c) Lead sheath
(d) Paper insulation

7. What is the full form of XLPE Cable?
(a) Cross Line Poly Ethylene
(b) X's Line Phase Earthing
(c) Cross Linked Poly Ethylene
(d) Excess Length Paper and Ebonite

8. What is the purpose of the ‘serving’ layer in the underground cable?
(a) Protect the cable from moisture
(b) Protect the cable from mechanical injury
(c) Protect metallic sheath against corrosion
(d) Protect armoring from atmospheric condition

9. Which type of fault of U.G Cable can be located by this loop test?
(a) Ground fault
(b) Short circuit fault
(c) Open circuit fault
(d) Weak insulation fault

10. Which cable laying method is used in generating station?
(a) In ducts
(b) Racks in the air
(c) Along buildings
(d) Direct in ground

11. How many electrons are there in the valence shell of a copper atom?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 8
(d) 18

ITI Electrician theory 1st year MCQ Question in English

12. What is the effect of electric current on neon lamps?
(a) Heating effect
(b) Magnetic effect
(c) Chemical effect
(d) Gas ionization effect

13. What is the unit of insulation resistance?
(a) Ohm
(b) Kilo ohm
(c) Milli ohm
(d) Mega ohm

14. Which electrical device is the coarse excess current protection?
(a) Cartridge fuses
(b) Re-wirable fuses
(c) Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
(d) High Rupturing Capacity (HRC) Fuses

15. Which type of joint is used for extending the length of the conductor in overhead lines?
(a) Scarfed joint
(b) Aerial tap joint
(c) Britannia T joint
(d) Western Union joint

16. Which type of soldering flux is used for soldering aluminum conductors?
(a) Tallow
(b) Ker-al-lite
(c) Zinc chloride
(d) Sal ammonia rosin

17. What is the effect on molten solder due to repeated melting?
(a) Tin content reduced
(b) Lead content reduced
(c) Prevent slug formation
(d) Uneven flowing in joints

18. What will happen to PVC insulation in cable carries excess current continuously for long period?
(a) Voltage drop increases
(b) Voltage drop decreases
(C) Insulation resistance increases
(d) Insulation resistance decreases

19. Which method of cable laying is suitable for congested areas?
(a) Racks in air
(b) Duct pipes
(c) Along buildings
(d) Direct in ground

20. What is the name of the part marked X in UG cables?
(a) Serving
(b) Bedding
(c) Armouring
(d) Lead sheath

21. What is the fault of the U.G cable identified in the circuit?
(a) Ground fault
(b) Short circuit fault
(c) Open circuit fault
(d) Weak insulation fault

22. Which part of the underground cable is protecting the metallic sheath against corrosion?
(a) Serving
(b) Bedding
(c) Armouring
(d) Lead sheath

23. Why the soldering iron must be kept in a stand that is not in use while soldering?
(a) It prevents burns and fire
(b) To control the excessive heat
(c) To save time in the soldering process
(d) To save the operator from electric shock

24. Which type of wire joint is found in the junction box?
(a) Aerial tap joint
(b) Plain tap joint
(c) Rat tail joint
(d) Married joint

25. What is the name of the joint?
(a) Married joint
(b) Scarfed joint
(c) Western union joint
(d) Britannia straight joint

26. What is the use of the Britannia T joint?
(a) Extending the length of the lines
(b) Inside and outside wiring installation
(c) Mechanical stress not required on the conductor
(d) Tapping the service connection from overhead lines

27. Which type of soldering method is used for servicing and repairing work?
(a) Dip soldering
(b) Soldering with a flame
(c) Soldering with a soldering gun
(d) Soldering with a soldering iron

28. What is the use of the dip soldering method?
(a) Soft soldering
(b) Piping and cable soldering work
(c) Soldering miniature components on PCB
(d) Soldering sensitive electric components

29. Name the part marked X of belted U.G cable.
(a) Jute filling
(b) Armouring
(c) Lead sheath
(d) Paper insulation

30. Which insulating material is used as a hot pouring compound for making joints in underground cables?
(a) Polyamine hardener
(b) Cast resin compound
(c) Bituminous compound
(d) Epoxy cast resin compound

31. What is the purpose of bedding insulation of U.G. cable?
(a) Protect the cable from mechanical injury
(b) Protect the cable from moisture and gases
(c) Protect armoring from atmospheric condition
(d) Protect the metallic sheath against corrosion

32. Which test is conducted to locate the faults in U.G. cables?
(a) Loop test
(b) External growler test
(c) Break down voltage test
(d) Insulation resistance test

33. What does the number 1.40 represent if a stranded conductor is designated as 7/1.40?
(a) Area of cross-section
(b) Radius of one conductor
(c) Diameter of all conductor
(d) Diameter of each conductor

34. What is the value of the electrical conductivity of an aluminum conductor?
(a) 61 mho/m
(b) 56 mho/m
(c) 35 mho/m
(d) 28 mho/m

35. What is the rating factor of cable provided with coarse excess current protection?
(a) 1.11
(b) 1.23
(c) 0.81
(d) 0.707

36. What is the size of the neutral conductor compared to the phase conductor in U.G Cable?
(a) Same size of the phase conductor
(b) Half the size of the phase conductor
(c) 1/4 size of the phase conductor
(d) 1/3 size of the phase conductor

37. What is the name of the tool?
(a) Cutting plier |
(b) Wire stripper
(c) Crimping tool
(d) Side-cutting plier

39. What is the reading of the micrometer?
(a) 5.05 mm
(b) 5.00 mm
(c) 4.55 mm
(d) 4.05 mm

40. Which method of soldering is used for repairing the vehicle body?
(a) Dip soldering
(b) Soldering with flame
(c) Soldering with a soldering iron
(d) Soldering with a soldering gun

41. What is the advantage of a stranded conductor over a solid conductor?
(a) Cost is less
(b) More flexible
(c) Less voltage drop
(d) More insulation resistance

42. What is the current capacity of the 16 Amp? Cable, if it is protected by coarse excess current protection?
(a) 11 A
(b) 13 A
(c) 15 A
(d) 18 A

43. What is the unit for Quantity of electricity?
(a) Mho
(b) Coulomb
(c) Volt /second
(d) Ampere/second

44. What is the name of the soldering method?
(a) Dip soldering
(b) Soldering iron
(c) Soldering gun
(d) Soldering with flame

45. What formula is used to find Electro Motive Force (EMF)?
(a) EMF = Potential difference – voltage drop
(b) EMF = Potential difference + voltage drop
(c) EMF = Potential difference + voltage drop/2
(d) EMF = Potential difference + 2 x voltage drop

46. What is the current rating factor for close excess current protection of cable?
(a) 0.81
(b) 0.92
(c) 1.23
(d) 1.5

48. What is the name of the soldering method?
(a) Dip soldering
(b) Soldering with a blow lamp
(c) Soldering with a soldering gun
(d) Temperature-controlled soldering

49. What is the cause of cold solder defect in soldering?
(a) Excessive heating
(b) Insufficient heating
(c) Incorrect use of solder
(d) High wattage soldering iron

50. What happens to the voltmeter if it is connected to an ammeter?
(a) Low reading
(b) No deflection
(c) Meter burns out
(d) Overshoot deflection

ITI Electrician theory 1st year MCQ Question in English

51. Which is the example of coarse excess current protection?
(a) MCB
(b) MCCB
(c) H.R.C fuses
(d) Rewireable type fuse unit

52. Which conductors are used for distribution lines?
(a) Insulated conductors
(b) Insulated solid conductors
(c) Bare conductors
(d) Two-core cable


1 - C | 2 - D | 3 - B | 4 - D | 5 - A | 6 - A | 7 - C | 8 - D | 9 - B | 10 - B | 11 - A | 12 - D | 13 - D |
14 - B | 15 - D | 16 - B | 17 - A | 18 - D | 19 - B | 20 - D | 21 - B | 22 - B | 23 - A | 24 - C | 25 - A |
26 - D | 27 - C | 28 - C | 29 - C | 30 - C | 31 - D | 32 - A | 33 - D | 34 - C | 35 - C | 36 - B | 37 - C |
38 - C | 39 - C | 40 - B | 41 - B | 42 - B | 43 - B | 44 - C | 45 - B | 46 - C | 47 - B | 48 - D | 49 - B |
50 - A | 51 - D | 52 - C |

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